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Unbelievable Answers To Prayer

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Unbelievable Answers to Prayer Ramona Jones- City Church San DIego

Hello, my name is Ramona Jones.  I am a leader in our women’s ministry, Fame! We are currently learning about women in the Old Testament this summer.  The woman I’m sharing with you is Sarah.


Sarah’s original name was Sarai meaning “God’s princess”, later in life God changes her and her husband’s name to Sarah and Abraham.  The name Sarah means “mother of nations.” God gave Sarah and Abraham a promise that their descendants would be as numerous as the dust of the earth but Sarah was barren and she had to wait twenty -five years before she held her promise in her arms.  Through these years, Sarah like many of us grew impatient and even tried to help God out by offering her maidservant Hagar to her husband.


So Sarai said to Abram, “Look now, the Lord has prevented me from bearing children.  Please go to my maidservant, perhaps I can build a family by her.” And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. (Genesis 16:2)


Soon Sarah realizes her mistake.  Her maidservant who gave birth to Ishmael begins to treat her with contempt and Sarah responds by sending her and Ishmael away. Ten years passed and Sarah is still childless, she is ninety years old and her husband ninety–nine. It seems inconceivable to even think to that they could have a child. Her womb is dead but her God is alive and faithful. God visited Abraham again and assured him that He would establish His covenant with them.


I can relate to Sarah because through my years of walking with Jesus, I have had to wait for Him to fulfill his promises to me.  Sometimes, I feel that he has forgotten me but then I hold on to His word and continue praying.  I choose to believe God no matter what the circumstance. I’ve seen Him do impossible things, he has blessed me with a great husband, children, grand-children, and a beautiful home.  For the first five years of our marriage, I had three miscarriages and was told that maybe I shouldn’t try anymore but God heard my prayers and blessed me with sons and daughters, my cup runneth over!  For over twenty years, I have believed God for a big house with a beautiful garden and fruit trees in my backyard and just last year, my husband and I purchased a home that has everything I prayed for and more. I walk around my garden today, knowing that God hears me and He is faithful.


Are you ready for some unbelievable answers to prayers? My life long scripture that I confess and hold on to is in Hebrews 11:11-13

Sarah also believed God, and she was able to have a baby even though she was too old to have children.  But she trusted God to do what he had promised.

What has God promised you?  Hold on to it, and keep believing and trusting God!

We are women who believe God for the impossible, we believe Him to keep His covenant from generation to generation. 


I am so thankful for the women of FAME, so many of these women have prayed with me through the years of struggle and waiting.  They have come alongside me to strengthen, encourage, and intercede with me.  I deeply appreciate their friendship and I know that every time we pray, something is happening, God is at work.  I hope Sarah’s story encourages you and would love to hear how this has impacted you.  BELIEVE!!!