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10-Minutes To  Energy 

Psalms 62:11-12 TPT God said to me once and for all, “All the strength and power you need flows from me!” And again I heard it clearly said, “All the love you need is found in me!” And it’s true that you repay people for what they do.

Everything I need is found in Jesus. All the strength I need is in Him. All the power I need is in Him. It flows from him to me. All the love I need is from Him.  Here are Three 10-Minute ways to tap into God’s Energy Boost for you: 

Three 10-Minute Energy Boosts

1. Take time with Jesus to exchange your tiredness for His energy. Tell him how you feel; He is a good listener. Wait for Him to speak to you through His Word. Read it until it speaks to your situation. This will give you new confidence and peace. When I feel I am in conflict with family members, I tell it to Jesus. He always helps me to understand the other person’s perspective. After talking to Jesus I never feel like a victim, hurt and/or misunderstood. After He has adjusted my thinking I feel like the victor with renewed energy! Jesus understands us and he always makes us feel valuable and appreciated. He always gives us wise advice so we can have happy and healthy relationships. If you need to talk to someone we are here online for you 24/7. We would love to encourage you! 

Colossians 1:29 AMP - His power and energy, which so greatly works within me.

2. Get up and go do the nicest thing you can think of for the most needy person you know. Make the gift huge $100 gift card for groceries, hire a house cleaner for a single mom, or hire a babysitter for a young couple. Sacrifice for others. Give to someone who can’t give you anything in return. When we give to others we feel great about ourselves and it will replenish our energy giving us a boost of the feels good. I always ask the Holy Spirit for who can I help and what can I do to make someone really feel loved. He never runs out of amazing ideas. Life is a great adventure with the Holy Spirit as our best friend! Practice weekly doing extraordinary giving and enjoy the rush of strength and energy! 

1 Peter 4:11 - Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies

3. Hangout with the most positive and uplifting friends. Energy is contiguous - negative emotions can sap your joy. A positive person can lift you and make you feel excitement and happiness. I know when my granddaughter enters the room I feel my mood lift. Even if I had a bad day- everything changes as soon as I see her smile and hear her laughter. She lights up the atmosphere - she is electric. It increases my energy just being in her presence. Who lifts you into a place of joy, strength and energy? Weekly my husband, Jerry and I hang out with a group at our church (our Friends Group) where we discuss the sermon from the Sunday’s  message.  We love being together, laughing, listening and encouraging each other, we show love, commitment and value to one another. I always leave this meeting energized. We all need a group of friends like this! 

Hebrews 10:25 - This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing. In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward

These 3 steps can all be done on your phone. A lot can be done by your phone. Read your Bible from your phone. Gift or arrange a service from your phone. Call a friend from your phone. Join a Friend Group from your phone. Watch your favorite sermon online. Arrange a coffee date from your phone.

What are you going to do today? Let me know below.

Love you,
Tami McKinney

P.S. We will be gathering in person, on the Patio, at 10:30AM on June 28th for Church Live! Come see your friends in a safe and comfortable enviromnent. All together we will watch the uplifting worship and the message from Pastor Jerry McKinney on our Patio screens. We're excited to be with you again. Register here.