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Find Your Purpose

Discover Your Purpose Like Jesus Found His

As we approach a new year, I'd love to give you the best way to find your purpose for 2019 (and the rest of your life).How do you find your purpose?You find it by following the Purpose Pyramid.The Purpose Pyramid is built on daily prayer, the devotion to the Word, going to church, serving and giving back, having friendships, and spreading the Good News. This is just how Jesus lived his life. He is our best example. Let's do what Jesus did....Let's look at the life of Jesus. Famously, Jesus lived on earth for 33 years and it was only the last 3-1/2 years that He fulfilled His purpose.Purpose Pyramid, Life of Jesus, San Diego Christian Church

(Jesus)... Prayed

Matt 26:39 In the garden, he prayed all night, not my will but your will be done

(Jesus)... Devoted to the Word

Matthew 4 He was tempted in the wilderness, but He obeyed the Truth

(Jesus)... Went to Church / Worshipped

Luke 4:16 As was His custom, He went to church

(Jesus)... Served

John 13 He washed the feet of his disciples1 Corinthians 8:9 He became poor so we can become rich

(Jesus)... Had Friends

Matthew 6:30  He gathered 12 of his friends to talk about God

(Jesus)... Invited

Matt 9:35 He went through the towns and villages and spread the Good News.

You want to build your life on God's purpose. Start with prayer and then work your way up.

2nd Peter 1:8 The more you grow like this, the more productive and useful you will be...

Have a Merry Christmas,Pastor Tami