When You Feel You're Going Crazy...

At 8-years old my mom was going to have someone do some work for her. I remember telling her that person had a bad spirit. At the time, I didn't realize I was operating in spiritual discernment but my Godly mother did and did not employ them.Spiritual discernment is a gift from the Holy Spirit that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians. What is Spiritual Discernment? It is the God-given ability to discern whether a thought comes from God, the devil, or yourself.The devil is a liar and will constantly put you down. If you don't discern that negative thought is from the devil then you will feel bad about yourself. Some negative actions can come from learned behavior. (For example: If your mother was a yeller, you will be a yeller. If your mother was highly stressed, you will be highly stressed.) If you can discern these actions are from wrong learned behaviors you can change them! You can learn to be kind and at peace. I believe the best part of discerning spirits is knowing God's voice, learning to listen to it, and affirming it. If you hear something good - that's God. Quickly receive that thought and hold on to it. Thank God you can discern His voice.Often I struggle with anger. Negative thoughts about myself bombard my mind and I feel confused if people really love me, accept me, and if I am good enough. With the gift of discerning spirits  I understand where feelings of depression, anxiety, and anger are coming from.  I then say no to the devil and I sit still and let God speak to me. He loves and cares for me. He has good things for me.  It just blows my mind there is a spiritual gift called "discernment" that can help us think right.Remember the discerning of spirits is not mystical. It is simply knowing whether a message is from the Spirit of God, from a demonic spirit, or ourselves.


1. If it’s from God, it agrees with what the Bible teaches. It’s in line with who God is and the good things He thinks about you. When you discern this spirit: Pause in His presence and hold tightly to what God is saying.

"God is good and only does good..."  - Psalm 119:68

If a thought or “message” is from God it will bring peace, it won’t keep you in confusion or feeling condemned.

"For God is not a God of confusion but of peace…." - 1 Corinthians 14:33a

2. If it’s from the devil, it disagrees with God’s character, disagrees with the Word of God, tries to remove you from healthy community, tries to steal your peace, to get you to isolate away from God or his church, and not feel good about yourself. When you discern this spirit: Resist the devil and he will flee.

"Resist the devil and he will flee." - James 1:21

Paul says in the New Testament there will be well meaning people that will come into the church and try to confuse Christians. They will try to pull them away from the church, church family, and wise counsel to do the devil’s will.

"Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants." - 2 Timothy 2:26

3. If it’s from your own mind it might just have to do if you're feeling happy or sad that day. It could be a lingering memory from when your family member or friend said something hurtful to you. When you discern the spirit: You will see that these thoughts are from yourself and be able to change your thoughts and attitudes, forgive yourself and others, and think on the Word of God.

The Holy Spirit will help you operate in this gift. Ask the Lord to speak to you through the Word, in prayer, and through spiritually mature people. I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to help you operate in the gift of discerning of spirits.Love you ladies,Gaby Abbott

I Lead Strong!


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