The Night I Was Miraculously Healed

I could hear the doctor talking to me as I held my head, I was in so much pain. I found myself in the emergency room AGAIN with an unbearable migraine. The doctor continue talking to me...he said, "Migraines are hereditary; someone in your family has them and passed them down to you. Severer migraines like this is what you should expect since they run in families." He said his only hope for me was a very strong ongoing medication which would only curb the throbbing pain.At home in my bed that night in terrible pain, I longed to be with my kids in the other room playing with their dad. I cried out to the Lord saying “I know you are my healer.” Exodus 15:26 says, "…For I am the Lord who heals you."  Matthew 7:7 says, "…ask and it will be given to you." I prayed fervently to the Lord saying, “I know you are my healer according to Exodus 15:26, so take this migraine away from me and heal me so I can get up out of bed and be with my family. Jesus I am praying and believing Matthew 7:7 …if I ask it will be given to me, so I ask for complete healing. Amen.”I prayed for twenty minutes and took the medication and still no relief. But I wasn’t about to give up – I knew God was the healer and He wanted to heal me. I continue to cry out to God what is causing this migraine? And I heard God speak to me very clearly, saying, "It is caused by your unforgiveness of your father.” I quickly began to pray, asking God to forgive me for bitterness and unforgiveness towards my dad. I prayed out loud every hurt I had against my dad and I would say “I forgive him” for that wrong. Within thrity minutes the migraine was gone. I was miraculously healed that night and I was up having fun with my family.Since that night, I have never had another migraine headache in 23 years. In the past 23  years any time the slightest headache comes, I ask the Holy Spirit to show me who I need to forgive, He always tells me and I start praying and forgiving anyone who has offended me or hurt me. Within minutes the start of a headaches leaves.

Exodus 15:26 For I am the Lord who heals you.

I am so thankful to God for my healing miracle. I do not have to receive migraines from my family or from the devil. Migraine headaches are not my family heritage anymore and I will not passed down migraines to my children. That evil has been broken off my life. I live in freedom.God is my family heritage and He does not have migraines. As a matter of fact He forgaveothers and I forgive others too. I passed down the heritage of forgiveness to my children.I love this scripture Moses passed down to the children in the wilderness in Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians (the migraines) you see today you will never see again." I have never seen migraines again in me or my children and they are now in their 30’s.I believe God and I would like pray for you to receive a miracle healing. I love you and Ilook forward to hearing from you.Tami McKinney


STOP the Winter Cold


Heal Me, Please!