Peace Overrides Anxiety
Peace Overrides Anxiety
During this time of crisis in our nation be assured that God cares about us deeply. He hears our prayers and He cannot resist us when we look to Him for help. God has a plan to get us all out of this difficult situation. Because God is omniscient, He knew we would be in this terrible predicament. Because God is a good father and He is all powerful - He will bring us through this miraculously and victoriously. We need to do three things:
Keep trusting God and speak faith
Keep praying for divine guidance and wisdom to understand the times
Stay in peace, fight anxiety, fear and depression.
A memorable experience for me is when traveling in the nation of Israel is the way everyone says hello and goodbye using the word “shalom”. The word shalom means peace. Everywhere you went, you constantly heard the word shalom. The people in Israel think one of the greatest gifts you can receive from God is His peace. Believing the word peace is so important that their first word spoken to you is peace and the last thing they say to you is peace. When they say peace they are actually saying something more along the lines of “may you be filled with God’s complete happiness and peace”. As Christians we believe our peace comes from Jesus. And we can be spreading peace to those who feel troubled or stressed. Yesterday, I visited a neighbor and I found myself spreading a negative thought. God corrected me and asked me why I said that. I didn’t have a good answer, but I saw that I was carrier of this negative feeling and giving it to others. I wasn’t leaving my neighbor with peace or happiness. I quickly saw that I was wrong. My desire as a women and a Jesus lover is to lead strong in godly truth. I prayed, asking God to help me change and let go of wrong attitudes that go against his teachings. I want to spread righteousness, peace and joy. In these times of difficulty people need the peace of God. Let’s together lead strong and spread peace.
What We Should Understand About Peace
God is the author of Peace
1 Corinthians 14:33 NKJ says …He is the author of peace. He is not the God of disorder, confusion or dissension. He is the God of harmony, order and peace. Peace is who God is, it is one of His characteristics. Jesus is the prince of peace. There would be no peace in the world without God. He is our peace, the author of peace. The Bible tells us over and over again He is the God of peace.
Let’s say it together: I know God is the author and creator of peace. God is peace.
Peace comes to us from God
God wants to give us His peace at all times, in every circumstance and in every way.
The Bible tells us this in 2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV… Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. God's desire is to give us His peace. We are commanded not to worry instead to have the peace of God. Worry is the enemy of peace. Jesus warned us often about fear and worry. John 14:27 NIV says… My peace I give to you…Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. Peace comes to us through God.
Let’s say it together: God’s desire is to give us peace. Peace comes to us from God. He is our peace.
How to get God’s Peace
The first way to gain peace is to spend time getting close to Jesus. The more time we spend with Jesus exchanging anxiety for His peace, the more peace you receive. God brings all strife and turmoil to rest when we invite him to do so. God wants everything to be done in peace. It is in Him you have peace. 1 Peter 1:2 says… May God give you more and more …peace as you grow in your knowledge of God..
The second way to gain peace is believing and saying the Word. Here are some scriptures to speak over yourself. (I included the personal pronouns)
Let’s say it together:
Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus.
Colossians 3:15 - And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in my heart. For as members of one body I am called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
Isaiah 55:12 - I will be led foward with peace.
1 Peter 1:27 - God will multiple peace to me.
Numbers 6:26 - ... .the Lord turn his face toward me and give me peace.
Let’s pray for peace together: I thank you, Father, that you are the God of peace. May God give me more and more peace as I grow in the knowledge of Him. I believe your Word, that you will give me peace at all times. God will multiple peace to me. You always give me peace in every circumstance. It is through you, I receive peace because you are the source and author of all peace. I need your peace now because I am feeling troubled about a situation I am facing. I need a miracle. I know you’re the God of miracles. I know you heal, save, protect, provide and give us peace. I exchange my troubles, fears and worries for your peace. I will be led forward following your peace. I trust you. You are the Lord of peace. I will receive your peace while I wait for you to answer my prayer. Thank you, Jesus, for who you are and all you do for me. Thank you, for a miracle in this dilemma. I will have peace of mind. I let the peace that comes from Christ rule in my heart. I am called to live in peace and to always be thankful. Please give me your peace. Don’t let my heart be troubled; don’t let me be afraid. I declare I am filled with peace at all times, nothing is able to take the peace of God from me. I will keep confessing: I have peace in everything and I will live in peace. The God of peace is with me, dwelling in me and comforting me. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus. Yes, I am thankful and at peace. Amen How are you sharing peace with your world right now?
Tami McKinney