The One Thing That Got Me Through The Hardest Time Of My Life
Almost twenty years ago, I had dreams of marrying my high school sweetheart. We met in our church youth group and had been good friends for years until we eventually fell madly in love and became a dating couple. He was incredibly creative and romantic – one Valentine’s Day he taped dozens of heart shaped, helium-filled balloons ALL over my car in the high school parking lot! And I walked out to find everyone standing around my car in amazement after school. He was so smart and funny, a really talented musician and singer who had been pursuing an acting career since childhood. He even had the opportunity to star in a national tv show! He really loved God and we had so much fun serving alongside each other at church running events for youth. We continued dating for two years (even long distance when he left for college!) and I imagined us together forever - getting married and someday having a family.But it broke my heart when one summer we realized we were just too young to be in a relationship this serious. God spoke to us both individually that we needed to break up in order to mature and focus on Him. In obedience to God, we (painfully) decided together to end the relationship. There was a lot of crying, as you can imagine – it felt like the worst day of my life. I didn’t know how I could go on without him. I felt like I was losing my friend and my future. I remember a moment sitting in my car alone one night crying and asking God what to do… and in that moment he answered me. He told me simply, to wait. I had a daily devotional Bible tucked in the pocket of my car door and I decided to pull it out and read. The first verse I read was from Habakkuk 2 and said “Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.” I was kind of shocked by such a clear answer! Again, I felt God telling me to just wait and that eventually he would be my husband… and I felt so much peace.The waiting was not easy, but I continued to feel such peace knowing I had heard from God. My patience came from a Word of Wisdom. There were low moments where I questioned what I had heard and God would give me another verse to confirm the waiting. He had plans to bless and prosper my future. I didn’t have to wonder what to do – I was waiting for my husband. It would be four (very) long years but eventually God brought us back together and we were married. YAY!! It was one of the happiest days of my life! I walked down the aisle to Etta James’ song “At Last” and I had tears in my eyes as I thought of how thankful I was to have heard from God to wait for this great man, my husband.During a recent FAME event, Pastor Tami taught on the nine power gifts of the Holy Spirit. In our notes the Word of Wisdom was defined as “a supernatural word that gives a person hope and helps them understand that God has something good planned for their future”. She taught that a Word of Wisdom is always encouraging and confirms what’s in your heart. This supernatural ability is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12 where it says “…to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit…”. There have been countless moments like that in my life where I was making a decision, felt hopeless, needed direction, was stuck in a situation, etc. and the Holy Spirit gave me a Word of Wisdom for my future. I knew it was from God because it was always accompanied with peace. And oftentimes I submitted those words to my pastors so they could confirm what I felt I was hearing.There have been other moments when I was praying for someone else and the Holy Spirit gave me a Word of Wisdom for them! My friend Julia and her husband have been overseeing our marriage ministries at City Church for more than a decade. She was mentoring a dating couple and had a Word of Wisdom that they should slow down their relationship. The couple decided to break up when they realized the relationship actually wasn’t right for them and they were so thankful for her Word of Wisdom. They have since both married other people.I know the Holy Spirit wants to give YOU the supernatural ability to operate in the Word of Wisdom for yourself and for someone else too. Would you pray with me that God would operate in your life the Word of Wisdom? Holy Spirit, I ask that you would give me a Word of Wisdom for myself or someone else this week. Would you give me a scripture that would bring hope for the future? And I pray that Word of Wisdom would also come with great peace. Amen!Would love to hear your experience with the Word of Wisdom in the comments below.Love,Jenny Schneider