Lead Strong During Christmas
Eph 6:10 - Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.At our last FAME event in October the Lord was asking us to “Lead Strong." I hear Jesus reminding us during the Christmas Holiday to recommit ourselves to Lead Strong. I love the scripture in Ephesians 6:10 that tells us to be strong because the devil is a roaring lion out to destroy us and our families. We can overcome the devil by a LEAD STRONG Spirit! Jesus was a strong leader when He walked the earth! He is still leading strong. And He is asking us to follow His life example. Jesus left you a legacy of leading strong if you are willing to pick up His mantle. You can be like Him and find victory, happiness and success. I know you are saying, “YES” to Jesus and, "YES" to leading strong! I hear you saying, "YES. I am willing to lead strong! Yes, I will be victorious, happy and successful." But like me, you are trying to figure out how to make that happen. I am asking the Lord to lead you in LEADING STRONG!Here are two ways I am leading strong during the holidays:
- Lead strong in prayer. Asking the Lord to guide you to lead strong in your home, business and at church. I know it can be hard to Lead Strong because some of us are in really tough situations. Everything around you is shouting you are a failure, stop trying -just give up. But God wants to encourage you not to surrender- keep fighting! Don’t quit! Stand in faith, keep believing God and His Word! Pray, pray, pray...And confess Jesus will help me to lead strong and enjoy a life of happiness, victory and success. Say it with me, in your pain, "I am determined to lead strong in prayer and overcome this trouble!"
- A women who Leads Strong is continually speaking life to herself and everyone around her! You can Lead Strong in your family by loving your children and talking kindly to them. Speak hope and encouragement when they don’t do a good enough job. (They will live up to your positive expectations). Be determined to stop speaking negative. Practice speaking with respect and honor to your husband especially when he doesn’t deserve it. (Watch how much he will appreciate you). We show respect because Jesus commanded us too. Take time and text a friend a loving and uplifting message. (Add a scripture that speaks life and hope.) Maybe you can praise a coworker - saying congratulations, well done. Lastly tell yourself how wonderful God has designed you. Say, "Thank you." to Jesus a hundred times a day!
My prayer for you is that we will continue to say YES Jesus to lead strong. Let me pray for you: Lord I ask you to help us lead strong in our families with kind and loving words. Please God help us to speak and think respectful towards our husbands. God give us opportunities to speak positive words to friends and coworkers. Let us be women who Lead Strong in the spirit! Help us to continue to stand strong for our dreams, our marriages, our finances, our health and our kids! Thank you and praise your wonderful name. Eph 6:10 - Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. (The devil has a well-planned out strategy to attack you. He has been sowing seeds of deception since the day you were born. His plan is to destroy and kill you and your family. God’s plan is to give you abundant life.)Eph 6:12 - For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.Merry Christmas and I would love to hear from you; tell me that you are Leading Strong with us during the Holidays. Tami McKinney