“2020” The Happy New You! 


In this new year of 2020 let’s ask larger, dream bigger and believe for the impossible! Matthew 19:26 says, "...with God all things are possible." What would happen if we really believed Matthew 19:16 - that all things are possible? Our God can do and will do the impossible for us.

I often daydream if I had millions of dollars what would I do or what would I like to accomplish or better yet what would Jesus like me to pursue? When you dream do you make a dream list? When I dream, I make a dream list. A dream list is things you dream of doing for God and with God’s help. There is a difference between a dream list and a miracle list. A miracle list is things that create desperation in you. (You need a financial breakthrough, a miraculous healing or redemption for your marriage or your child.) When you're in need of a miracle it makes you either desperate for God’s miracle power or you fall into despair and discouragement and give up. A dream list consists of future hopes and impossible dreams only God could help you fulfill. God wants to fulfill YOUR impossible dream list. If you were to meet with a wealthy, famous and powerful person and they asked how they can help you. You wouldn’t ask them for something easy, that would be beneath them. YOU would ask them for something hard, something daring - something worthy of their influence and power. You wouldn’t waste their time with small things. The same goes for God, He is the most powerful person on the earth...don’t waste His time- ASK HIM FOR SOMETHING HUGE AND IMPOSSIBLE! He is the Kings of Kings the Lord of the Universe! Are you thinking and asking too small?Begin 2020 with time alone with God, a cup of coffee, and write out your Dream List! Remember God doesn’t need money in order for these dreams to be fulfilled. What God needs in order to fulfill your dreams is your faith! What is faith? It is hoping for something impossible. Faith is trusting God to do something only God can do.

How do you apply faith to your dreams?

One: Stop doubting your dreams. 

The Bible teaches us, those who doubt receive nothing from God. James 1:6, "... let him ask in faith, with no doubting...the one who doubts is tossed around..."

Two: Find scriptures and close friends to pray over your dreams.

Matthew 18:19 says , "... if two of you on the earth might agree concerning any matter that they shall ask, it will be done for them..." When you come into agreement with friends and God’s Word YOU RECEIVE MIRACULOUS ANSWERS TO PRAYER! 

Think of your dreams like seeds planted in the ground of hope. (Plant them now- by writing a dream list. And say to yourself, “I will not give up on believing God to fulfill my dreams.") Your scriptures and friends are like water and sunlight that makes dreams grow. 

Three: Rejoice over who God perfectly created and designed you to be. Give Him praise and say over and over,  "This dream for my life is not impossible for God!!!" Dreams grow in an atmosphere of praise and worship. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16 tells us to, "Rejoice always!"

We can have a Happy New Year in 2020 if we complete the dream process - we will reach our dreams!  I want to wish you a “Happy New Year” but the best part of 2020 can be the “Happy New You”!

Tami McKinney


2020 The Decade of Rewards! 


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