In A Moment My Life Was Changed
A Gentleness Journey
Why do we rub babies backs when they are trying to fall asleep? Because we want to bring comfort. Why do we physically reach out to a friend that is sharing her pain? Because a gentle touch or word can pacify their tears. When we act with gentleness, the Holy Spirit is released in us.With the help of the Holy Spirit we can all be more Christ-like.
Label Yourself Faithful
Take to heart that no matter what labels have been put on you by family, friends, ex-boyfriend, or even by a spouse - God has already labeled you.
The Goodness of God
I promise you: If you will change your confession, it will change your life!
Growing Self Discipline
Self-discipline can feel very elusive but as you pray and seek it, the Lord will always give you the strength and reveal the steps that will allow you to grow into the person you were made to be.
The Key to Kindness
How will I wait?
I learned how to really, really trust God, and how to declare His word over my life. I learned to rejoice in my suffering and to lift my hands in praise on a Sunday during worship...
Staying in Peace
We can’t always choose the situations we are in, but we can choose to walk through them in peace. Staying in peace means choosing to believe the promises of God, despite our situation. There is power in peace. The peace of God guards our emotions (hearts) and our thinking (minds).
Smile on Purpose: Choose Joy
Healing Through LOVE
This Spring our Fame Pastors will be walking us through the power of the fruits of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace... they all have power to transform, upgrade, save your life. Pastor Martina starts us off with the power of love.
Living Happy - Part 3
Living Happy - Part 2
Jesus tells us that we can have a positive, happy, and blessed life. In the Beatitude sermon (one of the greatest sermons) Jesus gives us nine keys to access peace, joy, and a lifetime of fulfillment. We are in part two of our three-part series of Living Happy.
Living Happy - Part 1
God is concerned about you being happy in this life. Jesus knows your happiness is key to living successful and fulfilled.
The Struggle Is Over
God put this on my heart for someone. <3 TamiYour struggle is over.You have won this battle.
Blessed Are The Peacemakers
know that when I lean into my faith— and truly believe that He is bringing all these things to pass— it’s all going to happen in His perfect timing. I am able to stress less and enjoy life’s little moments a lot more.
Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Destiny! My Thoughts Control Me
Your circumstances, your husband, your past, even the devil does not control your life. Your life will follow your thoughts. God tells us in scripture that your thoughts control your life.
I Am Full Of Mercy
Maybe you have been hurt by someone?Maybe you made the mistake and allowed yourself to become bitter and now you are working through the pain.Jesus wants to heal your hurts and pains but He always starts with us… forgiving others…showing mercy.
How To Fight Negative Thoughts
One of our greatest emotional needs is for approval. We can not truly love ourselves and be healthy without approval and acceptance of someone. We go to great lengths to get love and approval from people but they always fail us because they are unable to give us unconditional approval. Only God can give you unconditional love and approval.
When Dealing With Difficult People: Be Meek
A meek woman is not a weak woman. She is a strong woman who demonstrates self-control.
When You're in a Difficult Situation: Cry Out to God
God is with us when He hears our cry for help. God will break down the door to get to you and answer your prayer.